A silly account of one girl and her pals getting back in shape

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" - Philipians 4:13

I invite you to join me in the adventure of making healthy choices. I don't care where you are in this walk. You can do it! Really you can. I hope my blog will encourage you along the way. I'm not an extremist. I am not going to have you on an all organic diet. I'm not even anti-ho ho. I'm anti-eating-a-whole-box-of-ho hos-at one setting. I'm not going to encourage you to run a marathon, unless, of course, you want to run one. Then I will cheer for you and loudly. I'm just a normal girl working to love and take care of my God-given body. I will pray for you effortlessly, because that's how easy it is. For now, I am praying you and all readers will be blessed along the way!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Frozen Blueberries . . . Who Knew?!

I'll tell you who knew. Lilly. How did she learn this you ask? By mistake. Or should I say Gramma Kay learned by mistake.

Many of you know Scott & I were in Florida recently. For 12 days to be exact. While we were away my mother, Gramma Kay or as Lilly refers to her, Gramma Candy, stayed w/ the three kids. Gramma Kay is very good to the kids. So good, she doesn't say "no." This came into play on one of her many trips to Super Walmart w/ Lilly.

In the produce aisle. Lilly, who likes to say "I wish I had a . . . ", said she wanted some blueberries. She convinced Gramma she liked blueberries. The fact that Gramma believes Lilly knows what's best is debatable. But that's a whole other issue and at least it was a fruit. Convinced though, Gramma bought Lilly the blueberries. As I've mentioned my frugality, this may never have occurred unless there was actually a sale had I been along. But I'm so glad the purchase did happened.

Turns out to Gramma's surprise, Lilly, who to my knowledge has never had a blueberry, did not like them and therefore would not eat them. Frustrated, my mother's friend had told her to freeze the blueberries so they didn't go bad. Happy mistakes!

One night when I first got home I opened the freezer and to my surprise I saw a frozen container of fresh bluberries. I thought to myself "What a great idea!" Yes, my thoughts were that happy. You see the only food that has ever satisfied me even close to my favorite food ice cream is the frozen grape. For years I'd heard, and surely you've heard it, too, "Try frozen grapes. They're a great snack." One day I finally tried them and I've been in love with the frozen grape ever since. Try them, if you like grapes. I promise they don't disappoint. They are especially nice if you get hot flashes as I do or you're experiencing hot weather. But back to the blueberry.

I grabbed the container of frozen blueberries, thinking my mother was a genius and sat down to enjoy them. Lilly soon saddled right up beside me and said, "I love these mommy" and began to share them with me. She then told me they were hers. In talking w/ my mother I learned the above story, so turns out true. They were Lilly's and she does in fact like them . . . when they're frozen, of course.

Last night the hot flash and a need for a snack took over, so I got out the frozen blueberries and sat happily eating them. One issue. The hot flashes last only a few minutes. However, winters up north last for months. Ultimately the frozen blueberry eating contest I had myself in ended in my being freezing. But take heart as I did. The dishwasher was nearby and it was on the drying phase. So just as I sometimes open the front door for a moment to cool off. I opened the dishwasher and leaned over it for a minute to warm up. My hair was a little disheveled afterwards, but I warmed up quickly. All better.

Try the frozen blueberry. No, wait, try the affordable frozen grape first. Then move to the blueberry. If you like fruit I promise you they don't disappoint, but if it's winter in your hometown. Make sure the dishwasher is running.

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