A silly account of one girl and her pals getting back in shape

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" - Philipians 4:13

I invite you to join me in the adventure of making healthy choices. I don't care where you are in this walk. You can do it! Really you can. I hope my blog will encourage you along the way. I'm not an extremist. I am not going to have you on an all organic diet. I'm not even anti-ho ho. I'm anti-eating-a-whole-box-of-ho hos-at one setting. I'm not going to encourage you to run a marathon, unless, of course, you want to run one. Then I will cheer for you and loudly. I'm just a normal girl working to love and take care of my God-given body. I will pray for you effortlessly, because that's how easy it is. For now, I am praying you and all readers will be blessed along the way!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Sometimes you've got to eat "The Steak Salad"

I didn't blog earlier today because honestly I felt I had nothing blog worthy. I didn't get out for a workout. I didn't eat spectacular. I didn't eat poorly, but I was coming off a night of not feeling as strong in my resolve to eat better. I didn't really even blow it. I just didn't feel like I did anything worth writing about. But then again, some days are like that. Those are the days you need to cowboy up and keep on keeping on with the goals anyway.

Tonight after eating very little all day mostly due to being busy, but also planning ahead due to dinner plans, Scott and I went out to eat. I'd decided w/ my kids away w/ my Mom for the weekend, I was not going to waste this dinner date w/ my husband by eating soup and a salad. Nope. I went for it. I ate The Steak Salad . . . Western Pennsylvania style. Now if you've never lived in Western PA I'm pretty sure you don't know The Steak Salad I speak of. Perhaps this bad boy has made it's way slightly beyond Youngstown and into Northeastern Ohio, but The Steak Salad I speak of is the one and only in my book. It's sort of what the Philly Cheesesteak is to Philadelphia. No matter how much a restaurant brags on it in other areas of the country, it's not the same unless you get the real deal in Philadelphia. And so it is w/ The Steak Salad of Western PA.

On the other end of the spectrum, if you've never lived anywhere but Western Pennsylvania, you probably aren't even aware of the fact that it's not the same elsewhere. So you see tonight at dinner, I was definitely planning to enjoy The Steak Salad.

So often we decide we'll diet and we take all the fun out of life. It usually works for awhile, but is it really a lifestyle you want to live. One you can maintain. I'm not talking go out and eat wrecklessly. I'll always say choose wisely. Do you really enjoy it or are you just mindlessly eating. Is it worth it. But I really believe to be a success in eating healthier as a whole and getting yourself in the best shape for your particular body, thus helping you to feel your best, you need to allow yourself times where you enjoy your favorites now and again. Give yourself some wiggle room. Everyone likes to wiggle.

So tonight I did that. I enjoyed The Steak Salad that Western PA does so well. Real steak not steak-ums. Who came up with those anyway. Really?! Explain please. Real steak, cheese, hardboiled eggs slices, and the french fries, yes, the french fries on top. Ahhhhh, a dream come true. Totally worth it. Welcome Back, Kotter. It's good to be home.

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