A silly account of one girl and her pals getting back in shape

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" - Philipians 4:13

I invite you to join me in the adventure of making healthy choices. I don't care where you are in this walk. You can do it! Really you can. I hope my blog will encourage you along the way. I'm not an extremist. I am not going to have you on an all organic diet. I'm not even anti-ho ho. I'm anti-eating-a-whole-box-of-ho hos-at one setting. I'm not going to encourage you to run a marathon, unless, of course, you want to run one. Then I will cheer for you and loudly. I'm just a normal girl working to love and take care of my God-given body. I will pray for you effortlessly, because that's how easy it is. For now, I am praying you and all readers will be blessed along the way!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

God Can Part Your Red Sea

Today I read a really great message from my daily devotional. I knew I needed to share it w/ you as it's full of great stuff, so here are a few excerpts from it. Keep this in mind when the seas seem too big to cross. He is in it w/ you:

Glady's Aylward, missionary to China more than fifty years ago, was forced to flee when the Japanese invaded Yuncheng. With only one assistant, she lead a hundred orphans over the mountains toward free China. During the journey she grappled with fear. After passing a sleepless night she faced the morning with no hope of reaching safety. A thirteen-year-old girl in the group reminded her of their much-loved story of Moses and the Red Sea. "But I am not Moses," Glady's sighed in despair. "Of course you aren't," the girl said, "but God is still God!" When Glady's and the orphans made it through they proved once again that no matter how inadequate we feel, God is still God, and we can still trust Him.

Sometimes God calms the storm, other times He lets the storm rage and calms us. Either way, He sustains us and brings us through. We always have a choice: either we give the burden to God or we try to carry it ourselves. "Give your burdens to the Lord, and He will take care of you." - Psalm 55:22 (NLT)

I loved all of this for my family and I have crossed what has felt like our share of Red Seas. Anyone in their 40's, like myself, has most likely not only crossed their share of Red Seas, but has also watched many of their friends and family do it, too.

Sometimes I cross them w/ grace trusting Him most of the way. Other times I have in the midst of them hysterically cried out "I feel so alone, I want to know you're here in a very real way, because I know you're out there somewhere." And other times angrily I have pushed everyone including my husband away and said, "Look, I know this is my problem, for I don't feel anything. I'm not even letting myself feel. And I'm angry for I don't think God has forsaken me, it's me who has forsaken Him." During those times I pray desparately to get back in touch w/ Him.

All these emotions are called living life. It's a fallen world, we're a fallen people, so the emotions are real and they are strong, but He is out there and He will take care of you and me, too. Sometimes not in our timing. But as my husband said to Jesse, my little boy, once when he was praying to make a soccer goal, "God always hears your prayers. Sometimes He says, 'yes.' Sometimes he says,'no.' And sometimes he says, 'not yet.' But He always hears your prayers." So simple, yet so true my friends.

A really important message you need to take away from this is He is always there. Of course, we all love the times when we're walking through life and we feel His grace all over us. It's not quite as fun when we are crying out to Him and yet we can't feel Him. And it's definitely not fun to walk through times when we go into protective mode not letting anything or anyone, including God, in. But in all three instances, no matter how we feel. He is there. As my friend, Denise reminded me the other day during a conversation, the reason I know He's always there is because it's not about a feeling. It's about a truth. The Bible speaks the truth. I rest in that truth.

I want to leave you w/ this. I love Moses. When I was walking through breast cancer the first time in the midst of it I felt this annointing on me. I knew God wanted me to touch others on this journey. That others were watching to see how our family would go through it. Would we still hold God's hand. During that time, this scripture spoke to me:

11But Moses said, " Who am I to go to the king and lead your people out of Egypt?"

12God replied, " I will be with you. And you will know that I am the one who sent you, when you worship me on this mountain after you have led my people out of Egypt." - Exodus 3:11-12

You aren't parting the Red Sea yourselves, my friends. If He has a Red Sea for you to part. I assure you, He is there w/ you. All you have to do is let Him in. But remember it's not always about a feeling . . . it's about the truth.

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